domenica 27 gennaio 2013

Thea Maiman @ Solaris Island


English Version
Pyramid Cafe' and Tanalois Art 
at Solaris Island
have the pleasure to invite you
at the opening of the photographic exhibition of

Thea Maiman

Inauguration exposure: Sunday 27 January 1:30 pm PST

During the evening music by andromeda Slade.


End show: Sunday 10 February

Biography Thea Maiman

Second Life resident, Official Pixelfairy and Nonofficial Photographer.

Thea likes the interesting places, the good live music and the funny friends.
Always curious and wondering, how many creative peoples live here. 
Sometimes she tries to make poses and once she sculpted a pixelpepperoni.
She is here since 04/2008, but no... she is not addicted. :)
Her pictures are (often) music inspired, sarcastic, melancholic, sometimes a bit dark or the opposite all of these. 
Thea's RL avatar lives in Budapest in Hungary. 
Always busy, and sometimes at nights she uses her notebook as a pillow. 

You can see her works:

or if you want to see her pictures in sl, please check it her profilepicks :)

thanks for reading:)

mercoledì 23 gennaio 2013

Anche il blog di Pyramid Cafè sostiene 2Lei

Sostieni anche tu 2Lei attraverso il tuo Blog o Sito!
E' facile!
Tramite il  Badge aiutaci a diffondere le attività e tutte le iniziative e notizie legate alla lotta contro la violenza sulle Donne!

Pyramid Cafè Sostiene 2Lei e tu?

info dettagliate
2Lei in Second Life per la Giornata Internazionale contro la violenza sulle donne: Sostieni anche tu 2Lei!:

lunedì 21 gennaio 2013

domenica 20 gennaio 2013

Kylie Sabra @ Solaris Island

Pyramid Cafe' and Tanalois Art 
at Solaris Island
have the pleasure to invite you
at the opening of the photographic exhibition of

Kylie Sabra

Inauguration exposure: Sunday 20 January 1:30 pm PST

During the evening live music by Beth Odets 

End show: Sunday 3 February

Biography Kylie Sabra 
Kylie Sabra Angel is Curator of The Rose Theatre Galleries since February 2010, winner of the 2012 Avi Choice Award for SL's Favorite Art Gallery. She opened her first private gallery within 30 days of entering Second Life and has been creating ever since.
She says, "The artist creates for herself first and foremost. She follows her own muse. When she seeks to create according to the dictates of others, the art becomes weak, emotionless. Art without emotion is not art."
She sees our world through a unique set of eyes. She weaves color and texture into a tapestry designed to wrap you in emotion. She has been the Curator of The Rose Theatre & Art Galleries since February 2011, and has been an SL artist since she first entered this world more than three years ago. 
You can purchase her work for your RL home at
Kylie is an SL/RL photographer and graphic artist as well as an SL builder and sim designer. Visit her gallery as well as the nine others she curates at The Rose Theatre Galleries. 
Or read the Gallery Blog at :
Kylie is author of "The Singing Dagger" Available on Kindle at
Soon to be released in paperback.

Biography Beth Odets

Beth Odets (Beth Brown in RL) has been playing violin for 29 years, and she is Mentally Stable.
Beth Odets is a classically trained concert violinist who threw it all away to become the greatest itinerant fiddlist in Second Life. A champion of the environment and alternative energy sources, Beth is currently touring Second Life in a '69 VW micro-van powered by hippies on a treadmill.
In 2009, she picked up guitar."I'm Not Matthew - Beth Brown" was released in 2011. The album was co-produced with RL/SL MUSIC partner Matthew Perreault ( and found on internetweb like retailers 
Her Solo Performances in SL Feature Both Violin/Fiddle AND Guitar/Vocals. You can expect wide range of the musical spectrum from this sweet voiced lunatic! She plays/sings Originals and Covers - an eclectic mix that ranges from *Blues to Bluegrass* and from *Mozart to metallica*. - It's Entertaining and also Beautiful with a side order of funny! (don't freak when you hear fake kazoo.... it's a talent... no really)
RELAY CASTING - Beth is known for her ability to dive into almost any musical situation with her violin. She has streamed and/or played live with over 100 different SL LIVE musicians. (she's a ho) 
"I just try not make it sound like cats having sex" -BETH 
Wedding? Romantic Dinner? Private Violin? Beth loves to play any occasion in a way that makes it memorable and authentic.
*Shows are 1 hour unless theres no one following... and in that case she might be there till you kick her out.
( RATES ) (subject to change) 
SOLO Guitar & Violin = 75 MILLION LINDENS
CONTACT - Beth Odets for Further info on booking. ( thanks to Napoleon the former parakeet... for his loyalty as a manager till I accidentally killed him by dropping a plate on his head in December 2011)
And by the way she is looking for a man... the perfect one!
till then.... a short term abusive relationship w/ codependency is acceptable for song writing material purposes... 
Beth is currently with "The Matthew Show" ( RL band led my SL muso Matthew Perreault) and makes 1/5 of the racket on their new album "Memphis." Beth also works as session musician locally in DFW texas, and via interwebs. She also performes live as a shotgun! (powww) and STUFF!
She can sometimes be found with the RL band of SL Muso Guitar Zane. She's a co- accomplice in the "Pure Raw Hilbilly" album from former band Fish Fry Bingo (2009) also co-accomplice in live albums with Cylindrian Rutabaga *Adventures of the red Headed Redneck & Hilbilly Jew* (2009), and *the loudness war benefit album* with Strum Diesel (2012). She can be found on the Official recording of "40 years on" by Shannon Oherlihy, and "Willow Tree" by SOAR. (and STUFF)

mercoledì 16 gennaio 2013

Il metaverso si muove in un'unica voce contro la violenza sulle donne

Il metaverso si muove in un' unica voce contro la violenza sulle donne attraverso 2Lei (SecondLei). Mettete il vostro mi piace e se volete inviateci una foto della vostra giornata 2Lei come stanno facendo in molti!!
Partecipare è semplice. Fai la tua fotografia, di te o di qualcosa che fa parte di te (la tua bici, la tua auto, la tua stanza, il tuo negozio, il tuo cane, il tuo blog, etc.) con il logo 2Lei in Second Life e condividila sulla pagina di Facebook.

‎2Lei around all the worlds è un progetto legato al gruppo 2Lei in Second Life. maggiori info

lunedì 14 gennaio 2013

55 Minuti per il 5o compleanno di Pyramidcafè in craft

video di 55 minuti che riassume il giro "turistico" di venerdì scorso che non siamo riusciti a fare...
Il video anche se lungo è molto interessante perchè riassume la storia per molti versi emozionante delle iniziative di varie persone che hanno collaborato per la condivisione della conoscenza in modo limpido, gratuito ed entusiasta.

E' un peccato che molti non siano più attivi nei mondi virtuali, ma come dico sempre, RL è sempre più importante, ma il loro esempio può stimolare altri a fare cose altrettanto interessanti e belle :)

domenica 13 gennaio 2013

Talullah Winterwolf @ Solaris Island


English Version


Pyramid Cafe' and Tanalois Art 
at Solaris Island
have the pleasure to invite you to
at the opening of the photographic exhibition of

Talullah Winterwolf

Inauguration exposure: Sunday 13 january 1:30 pm PST

During the evening live music by Daemon Naidoo.

Flute Gallery:


End show: Sunday 27 January

Biography Talullah Winterwolf
From as far back as I remember I have had a pencil in my hand making pictures and stories on any kind of surface available about the strange goings on in my head :)

These were always almost like a private journal to me and I'd never thought of exhibiting them before Second Life, even though I was trained in Art College in Fashion Design and had my own studio . 
At the minute I'm working in photography , and and have a small vintage fashion outlet.

My inspirations come from many sources, but the common thread is that all my creative works be it fashion, a photograph or a painting is that tells a story in some form or other.
Some of the stories are deeply autobiographical,exploring dreams,childhood memories and feelings, others could be inspired by a chance snippet of conversation, an unintentional image caught in a random photograph, a memory, a line in a song or book...

I have tried to capture those feelings in the images, and in doing so have realised that the very effect of layering the images and textures is suggestive of the way our memories are layered on top of each other and each whole is the sum of many parts.

I hope you enjoy exploring each piece, and thank you for your appreciation!

Biography Daemon Naidoo

Daemon began to sing with passion several years ago, with a real band.
He was known in the various pubs around Rome, until 1994, when he moved to Switzerland. From there it stopped almost completely for several years, until a few years ago when he decided to start over, so ' as a hobby, a hobby that has become increasingly to sing on a daily basis and to open two blogs, one of which he has more than 100000 listeners throughout the world.
The music for him is now becoming more important; with his Performances transmits emotions, sensations, and now most of his spare time is taken up by music.

sabato 12 gennaio 2013

giovedì 10 gennaio 2013

Un percorso virtuale opensim per il 5o compleanno di PyramidCafè

Compleanno PyramidCafè 11 Gennaio 2013 nei vari metaversi oltre a craft

Questo venerdì ci incontriamo alle 21.30 con partenza dalla sim Pyramidosita cercando di esplorare un po' del metaverso opensim come attività creaTTiva in occasione del V compleanno di Craft (Alle 22.45 inizia poi il festeggiamento in SL presso la sim Solaris).

Le sim che abbiamo scelto per fare questo percorso sono quelle indicate dallo schema di Metropolitana allegato:

1) La mitica sim Born To Learn originariamente costruita sul computer di casa di Junta Kohime, da dove è partito nel 2008 la esperienza di OpenSimita, diversi contributi dei pionieri in mostra temporanea presso Edu3d Sandbox.
2) La sim Pyramidosita costruita nel 2009 per saldare Pyramid ai mondi virtuali opensim, con contenuti tipo i giardini pensili di Babilonia, il tempio egizio ed altre amenità storiche
3) La sim Spirit costruita nel 2011 per accogliere la creatività di chiunque fosse interessato a costruire e sperimentare qualcosa non solo per sè stesso seguendo un po' quello che era lo spirito di Vulcano di SL

CLONELIFE (sponsor dei server su cui girano le sim di Pyramid)
4) La sim Mesh Town su CloneLife dove nel 2012 erano stati invitati tutti a sperimentare le possibilità delle Mesh in opensim grazie anche ai corsi di Salahzar
5) La welcome area di CloneLife creata da gabriele come mondo fantasy 
6) La sim Trio in Clonelife dove c'è una rappresentanza di PyramidCafè

7) La sim Margye Dreams con i notevoli lavori di Carmen Auletta sulla disabilità e la capacità di espressione dei mezzi virtuali
8) Hydra/Opera/UpTown/Metaverse/JessO, varie sim gestite da Licu Rau e Tao Quan, creatori della grid Craft, con freebie, materiale originale liberamente disponibile e ricostruzione di città ed ambientazioni. Su JessO dalle 22 c'è anche un concerto di Tosha Tyran.

9) Sophia legata ai progetti di condivisione del sapere dell'ormai scomparso Paidos Woodall che aveva una originale concezione "anarchica" dei meccanismi didattici in cui in ogni incontro ognuno è portatore di conoscenza e la rende disponibile agli altri.
10) Mathemagics, legato al progetto di Edu3D, un originale gruppo di lavoro molto tranquillo e rilassato composto da insegnanti (ma anche no) che vogliono trovare dei modi e delle tecniche originali e divertenti per educare ragazzi e adulti usando i mondi virtuali.
11) Scriptlandia us osgrid, ma anche in Edmondo per la diffusione degli script.

Dato che il materiale è parecchio la puntualità è d'obbligo, se non riuscite a ritrovarci, usate la chat skype per capire dove siamo e per raggiungerci. :)

Salahzar Stenvaag

martedì 8 gennaio 2013

5° Compleanno di Pyramid Café

Vieni a festeggiare con noi i 5 anni di Pyramid Café, l'11 Gennaio 2013, ore 22,45 a Solaris.

Ti aspettiamo per passare assieme una serata intrisa di ricordi e nuovi progetti e per ammirare la bellissima opera regalataci per l'occasione da Maryva Mayo allietati dall'affascinante atmosfera della musica di Musicante Malandrino... e da belle sorprese.
Ovviamente puoi seguirci anche in diretta streaming su Pyramid Café TV, usando la chat del canale tv per mandare i tuoi saluti a Pyramid.