martedì 30 aprile 2013

Il potere della Conoscenza

continuano gli incontri con uomini straordinari

Stasera, alle ore 22, continua in Second Life il nostro viaggio alla scoperta degli incontri di Gurdjieff a cavallo tra Europa, Asia ed Africa all'inizio del secolo scorso.



domenica 28 aprile 2013

in Inaka @ Solaris Island

Pyramid Cafe' and Tanalois Art 

at Solaris Island
have the pleasure to invite you
to the opening of the photographic exhibition by

in Inaka

Inauguration exposure: Sunday May 5th 1 :30 pm SLT -22.30 IT

End show: Sunday May 12

Biography in Inaka
I have been in sl about three not as big experience as it could be....but one day i was listening Andreas Vollenweider's song "Pilgrim"...and to my mind came thought- why should not give the name to my exhibition- Pilgrim? Because all those years...i had different thoughts, feelings, senses, emotions expressions...all was going around and making circles of circumstances in my mind and a journey of expressions.
I don't have the second life or third life..i am happy to live one life...and i feel very thankful for the opportunity to travel in this virtual place in my free time.This journey means to me much and i appreciate it and i feel really thankful to all my friends and people i have met my travelling...
In rl I was study at Art Academy and for me is pleasure to express myself everywhere....
And i hope you will enjoy my wonderful journey in this virtual world......everyone of us is as Pilgrim in our minds...just we all have different journey but not less wonderful like the others...

in Inaka

You set me free
Under my father's tree
Gently lifted all
My shadows

Here where I stand
With only a handful of you
Weighing less than a sparrow
Yet more than my life

First of my days
You sent me off
On to this journey to become
A Pilgrim on the path of love

You will be the mountains I will climb
You will the rivers I will cross
I will be the voice to tell your tale

You will be the beggar I will feed
You will be the dragon I will calm
And I will be the voice to tell your tale
And I shall not be sad...

In the garden of hope
Far from songs of pride and victory
You kept a place
For the simple melodies

Broken, the wings
Shattered, the dreams
And still you're walking strong
You've always been
The Pilgrim on the path of love

You will be the desert I will cross
You will be the storm that I will ride
I will be the voice ot tell your tale

You will be the rivers I will cross
You will be the mountains I will climb
I will be the voice to tell your tale

You will be the words that I will find
You will be the strength to still be kind
And I shall not be sad....

Andreas Vollenweider

mercoledì 24 aprile 2013

Quinto incontro del corso di video streaming in OpenSim

Sergej Zarfha pubblicato qualcosa suRIPRENDIAMOCI

Stasera quinto incontro del corso (gratuito) di video streaming in OpenSim:
Registrare in locale, programmi free e a pagamento.
Ore 22.30 a Mathemagics - Craft.

La lezione sarà trasmessa in diretta streaming sul nostro canale dedicato:

martedì 23 aprile 2013

Milly Sharple and JadeYu Fhang @ tKF April 24th

Tanalois Art and torno Kohime Foundation have the pleasure to invite you to the Opening of the Art Exhibition by Milly Sharple and JadeYu Fhang.

Opening: Wednesday, April 24th 1.30 PM SLT – 22.30 IT


End show: Wednesday, May 8th

Promotion by Pyramid Cafè TV

via WordPress

Live Music in Second Life from April 22nd to 28th

An extract of Second Life live music this week (April 22nd – 28th) as reported at Pyramid Café TV Staff (non-profit free service).

lunedì 22 aprile 2013

What’s nice tonight in SL from April 22nd to 28th

*Pyramid Café TV** promotes your event for free. send E-mail at

*Pyramid Café TV** Events Promotion
"2Lei in Second Life"Against Violence on the Women supporting by Pyramid Café TV
Promo Music: "Next station" by PERSSON (

- Mauro Enyo @ tKF
- Uleria Caramel @ "Pyramid Cafè & Tanalois Art"
- Italian Mood:
- Centro Wu Wei info:
Mathemagics in Open Sim (Craft) info:
- tKF Square Galleries:
- Virtual World Wrestling Foundation, FuSion Arena: 
- "Pyramid Cafè & Tanalois Art" GlassHouse Gallery:

- Eddi Haskell Gallery
- Aneli's Gallery
- Serena Center For Artist & Art
- SaliMar "Paradise Circus Gallery" 
- Kelly Yap Art Gallery:
- Space 4 Art
- Nitroglobus Gallery­lanco/208/128/771
- Rose Borchovski @ tKF
- Ars Exhibendi MBI
- Space 4 Art

sabato 13 aprile 2013

Uleria Caramel @ Solaris Island

Pyramid Café and Tanalois Art at Solaris Island
have the pleasure to invite you to 
the Opening of the Art Exhibition by
Uleria Caramel 

Inauguration exposure: Sunday April, 14yh 1.30 pm SLT - 22.30 IT

Until April 28th



Hello art lover, I have always been a creative person, which shows up time to time. Now I have found suitable contacts here in Second Life and they have given me a wonderful opportunity to bring my art here.
Colors and contrasts are important to me and my style is mainly abstract expressionism. 
I use various techniques; oil painting, glass painting (glass art in general), ceramics, aquarelles, photographing etc. 
My personality is positive and I am unprejudiced. I believe people´s motives are primarily good. I want to be friendly to everyone. People say that I am a good listener and many have told me that I have given strength to them.I am spiritually sensitive and I sense situational energies strongly. I am a gentle, peaceful and modest person. I see into people -- maybe more than they think there is to see. 
My role is usually to be an observer. I enjoy life and I don´t hurry. I tend to live in the moment and I think only necessary things about tomorrow. I have problems to say "no" to people´s requests, but I am trying to learn that ability. I don´t want to hurt anyone´s feelings. I am somewhat unyielding and it manifests as occasional oddities in my behavior -- some people think my sense of humor is twisted, but I think it is just extremely versatile. Making art is an exhaust vent for my emotions. 
I hope my art induces different kinds of moods to the viewers.
Yours sincerely,
Uleria Caramel

"Vik Utopia" - a cura de "L'Arme d'Amour"

Lunedì 15 Aprile 2013 h. 22.00
Solaris Island

Serata di lettura in ricordo di Vittorio Arrigoni

"Spendersi affinché ogni diritto umano sia rispettato. 

Tutto il resto non ha più importanza, semmai ne abbia

mai avuta una." (Vik)

giovedì 11 aprile 2013

Aggiornamento condominiale

Aggiornamento condominiale del 10 aprile
- Solaris si è dotata di una mongolfiera che fa il tour guidato della sim (Punk ne sta ottimizzando il percorso)
- Vicino al punto d'arrivo a Solaris e nelle varie land c'è un teleport che interconnette tutta la sim
- Sotto il molo di Pyramid Café è allestita una libreria / punto di incontro "coperto"
- In una delle stanze, sempre vicino al punto d'arrivo a Solaris, stiamo allestendo un punto "Freebies"
"Stiamo lavorando per V/Noi" :-)

Beppe Grillo e il Vulcano in Second Life

Una risposta esauriente al tweet pervenutoci è contenuta sicuramente in questo bellissimo articolo di Salahzar Stenvaag  su Virtual World Magazine : 
Quindi in estrema sintesi : No Beppe Grillo in SL :)
Tuttavia questo post ci fornisce l'occasione di aggiungere qualche dettaglio alla vicenda visto e considerato che il gruppo Pyramid Cafè è nato nell'Isola di Vulcano o come sarebbe meglio dire,  Pyramid è nata dallo Spirito di Vulcano .
David Orban, creatore ed istigatore della comunità di Vulcano , una delle più interessanti e fertili sperimentazione di democrazia partecipata  nel metaverso, nel 2007 fondò uno dei primissimi gruppi di simpatizzanti di Grillo e ovviamente la cosa contribuì non poco ad ingenerare l'equivoco ( Isola di Vulcano - Beppe Grillo ) . 
Come racconta il mitico Vulcanaro Phill Rosca  "per circa un anno il flusso di pellegrini che cercavano di incontrare l'avatar di Grillo fu costante, tanto che ad un certo punto venne posto un cartello nell'area accoglienza  che informava i visitatori che Vulcano non era l'isola del comico genovese e veniva fornito un LM " .
( Qui di seguito un bel video che mostra Vulcano di Opensource Obscure )

Successivamente da Vulcano i grillini  migrarono  in un'altra Land (Lupulinus)  e si moltiplicarono, tanto che organizzarono il  Virtual V DAY per quanto non vennero mai riconosciuti ufficialmente dallo stesso Grillo. 

Oggi vanno di moda le dirette streaming :D  Pyramid  è nata a Vulcano in diretta streaming #sapevatelo

Tornando al tweet della nostra amica, a guardare il video dello spettacolo non ci pare affatto che Grillo "decantasse questa vita alternativa" anzi... a risentirlo si ha la netta sensazione che conoscesse davvero superficialmente il metaverso.  Per moltissimi residenti , SL non è affatto una "seconda vita" ma semplicemente un media straordinario che aumenta le possibilità di comunicare e la contrapposizione tra  Immersivisti ed Augmentisti è vecchia come il metaverso stesso :-) 
Quindi Grillo da chi avrà mai sentito parlare di Second Life ? (LOL) 
Questo video decisamente inquietante è del 2007 e ancora oggi campeggia nella Home Page della Casaleggio associati . 

E comunque la realtà supera sempre la fantasia ...... 


martedì 9 aprile 2013

Cosa c'è di bello stasera in SL dal 9 al 14 Aprile

*Pyramid Café TV** Events Promotion

* fino al 10 Aprile - until April 10*
- HOLALA Alter @ Artemis Culture:
*fino al 14 aprile - until april 14* "Festival di Primavera" @ Untold
- 22.00 IT - 1.00 pm SLT Ciclo di letture tratte dal libro "Incontri con uomini straordinari" di Georges Ivanovic Gurdjieff "( Readings from the book "Meetings with Remarkable Men" by Georges Ivanovic Gurdjieff). Wu Wei
- 22.00 IT - 1.00 pm SLT LIBRIAMO TUTTI: Incontro con Umberto Croppi @ MIC Im@ginarium
- 22.30 IT - 1.30 PM SLT Mauro Enyo @ tKF
Red Line Gallery:
@tKF Square Galleries:
- 22.30 IT "RIPRENDIAMOCI" @ Mathemagics in Open Sim (Craft) with Sergej Zarf (info:
- 21.30 IT -- 12.30pm SLT ALI Lezioni di Modellazione/Texturizzazione
Rigging con Blender a cura di Salahzar Stenvaag (Blender Lessons with Salahzar Stenvaag).
- 22.00 IT -- 1.00pm SLT GATE42 @ Isola Imparafacile
- 22.00 IT -- 1.00pm SLT CAFFE' FREUD @ Città Libera
- 2.00 PM SLT Wrestling Show in Second Life @ Virtual World Wrestling Foundation, FuSion Arena:
- 2.00 PM SLT Wrestling Show in Second Life @ Virtual World Wrestling Foundation, FuSion Arena:
- 22.00 IT -- 1.00pm SLT CAFFE' FREUD @ Città Libera
- 22.30 IT -- 1.30pm SLT Uleria Caramel @ "Pyramid Cafè & Tanalois Art" Flute Gallery:
EVENTI IN CORSO -- Events in Progress

*fino al 17 aprile - until april 17* Elin Egoyan and JudiLynn India @ tKF Square Galleries:
* fino al 21 aprile - until april 21* Zedber Zabelin @ Pyramid Cafè & Tanalois Art Glasshouse Gallery:
* fino al 30 Aprile - until April 30*
- Louly Loon, Pol Jarvinen, Xirana Oximoxi, Michael (mik.frequency) e Milly Sharple @ Aneli's Gallery
- Maryva Mayo @ Serena Center For Artist & Art
- Nevery Lorakeet in "Lights & Shadows" @ SaliMar "Paradise Circus Gallery"
- Trill Zapatero & Tani Thor @ Kelly Yap Art Gallery:
- Kayly Iali @ Space 4 Art
- Paola Mills & Maloe Vansant @ Nitroglobus Gallery­lanco/208/128/771
*fino al 4 maggio - until May 4* MELUSINA PARKIN @ Ars Exhibendi MBI
*fino al 31 Maggio -- until May 31* Aneli Abeyante @ Space 4 Art

"2Lei in Second Life"Against Violence on the Women supporting by Pyramid Café TV
Music: "Next station" by PERSSON (
Would you like promote your events, send E-mail at

sabato 6 aprile 2013

Virtual World Wrestling Federation - INFAMY

Stasera alle 24 IT - 3pm SLT anche in diretta streaming su Pyramid Café TV

Saturday April 6th 2013 as the Virtual World Wrestling Federation has its biggest Event of the year, Infamy!
KeiLani Velastar goes up against Erika Kuroki for the Women's World Championship!

Drake Korso will get another shot at the Intercontinental Championship thanks to his manager Savannah Mohegan as he faces the Italian Dragon Alexius Gant in an Asylum Match!This match type hasn't been used in the VWWF since Last year and has proved to be one of the VWWF's most Brutal Match types ever!

And in the Main Event, The winner of the first ever King of Champions Gauntlet Match Kayden Hydraconis gets his earned opportunity at the World Heavyweight Championship as he faces Michael Karsin for the most coveted Championship in the VWWF!

Don't miss this and more this Saturday April 6th @3 PM Pacific (SLT) !!

Zedber Zabelin @ Solaris Island


English Version

Pyramid Cafe' and Tanalois Art 
at Solaris Island
have the pleasure to invite you
to the opening of the Photographic Exhibition by

Zedber Zabelin

Inauguration exposure: Sunday April 7 1:30 pm PST

End show: Sunday April 21

Biography Zedber Zabelin
I live in central Victoria, Australia, and these are photos I have taken around my local area, and other areas within the state.
My early pictures for SL were mainly of wide scenes, sunsets & sunrises (hence "Aussie Views"), but more recently, my work sees me exploring nature in close-up.
I have a particular fondness for fungi up close, so you will see new ones of these in my display from time to time, as I discover new subjects to photograph!
You will now see a mix of 'views' - wide vistas, & aussie animals & plants in as close as my camera will allow!
Much of what I do is experimental - some things work while others not as much so. Even if you do not purchase any, please let me know what you like & don't like :-)


Each item is for sale at L$200, and they are Mod & Copy (no Transfer). If you want to purchase one to give as a gift, please contact me.

If you want a version that has no frame, purchase the framed version and send me a notecard with your request. I will gladly send you an unframed copy.

Some of my work for SL is also viewable as thumbnail images at:

Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries. A notecard is the best way to be sure I will see your message.

Thank you,

Zedber Zabelin